Saturday, May 12, 2012

{diy} mother's day craft for kids!

This is my first teacher-esque blog post!

As some of you might know by now, I am an after-school kindergarten teacher. I co-teach with two fabulous girls, and we couldn't love our jobs more.

We are constantly looking at Pinterest to help us figure out our latest craft that will match our theme of the week. The most recent theme of the week was "Marvelous Music." We had our kids bring in their favorite instruments for show-and-tell. It was a hit! We had a hard time figuring out a cute craft that fit the "Marvelous Music" theme on Pinterest this week though. So I thought of the second-best option...

A cute mother's day craft!

I thought of this idea originally after seeing this craft on Pinterest. I liked it how it was in the picture, but thought that we could make it a little more special. We decided to have them do handprints with green paint on a piece of paper first, and then glue the flower pots on second. We sat each child down and asked them why they loved their moms, wrote it down for them, and had them copy their sentence onto their flower pot in their own handwriting. We used a machine in the elementary school's media room to cut out the flowers.

I think that they turned out great! This is a very easy craft. We spread this project out over three days so we would have time to let the hand prints dry and get a sentence from each of our 39 kindergartners to write on the flower pots. The answers range from super silly to incredibly sweet. Click on the picture above for a bigger view.

I know it is a little late to re-create this project for mother's day with little ones, but I; think it could really be done for anything! I am sucker for painted hand print crafts. :)

Any teachers, moms, or camp counselors out there?!
What is your favorite craft to do with little ones?

xo, Jen


  1. My 4-year-old cousin made a Mommy project in preschool and said, "My mommy likes to DRINK BEER" hahaha

  2. Love this idea. I am going to try it out this week with my K's. So easy yet so special. Thank you for sharing.

  3. yaeh..............this SUCKS!!

  4. I'm going to try this with my class. Thanks!

  5. That's gorgeous. I will be using it with my little ones this week. Thank you.

  6. Going to try this with my children's church kiddo's:)


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