
Thursday, November 17, 2011

{recipe} holiday treats - thanksgiving edition

Hi lovely people! 

I don't know about you but I am a total season hopper. Fall is (almost) in full swing in Tallahassee now and all I can think about is the holiday party my roommates and I are going to throw before finals! I've found so many cute ideas for desserts and appetizers to include in our holiday round up.

Let's not forget about Thanksgiving though.


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays... but I still tend to neglect sometimes.
Here are a few dessert ideas besides your typical (but delicious) pumpkin pie.

Pilgrim Hat Treats

Turkey  Nutterbutter Treats

Turkey Cupcakes

Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes with a Salted Caramel Frosting

Pumpkin Trifle

Salted Caramel Cheesecake Pie

And remember...


Do you have a favorite dessert that you make every Thanksgiving?
I know that I will be making my pumpkin cheesecake squares to contribute to our dessert table!

Oh, and I am so excited to get to work today. I work with kindergartners in the after school care program at an elementary school in Tallahassee. Today we are throwing a party called "My Favorite Feast" for Thanksgiving. All of the kids are bringing in their favorite food and we are having a party! Parents are allowed to come join the festivities and we are going to have games and arts and crafts set up. I looove my job!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

{travel} new york city trip!

Um... I feel like I have just been updating y'all every Monday on my weekends. Maybe I will get back to regular blogging soon?!?

I spent the three day weekend in Manhattan with my wonderful boyfriend. We went to dinner Friday night to celebrate his new job offer in Chicago. If you live in the city or are visiting soon you should check out a restaurant called 84 on Seventh. The food was spectacular. The rest of the time we just did normal couple things like walk around his neighborhood, hang out in Central Park, cook together, watch football, and just enjoy each others company. It was splendid. :)

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Why can't it always be this beautiful outside?

@ the FSU bar with Phi Mu alums for the UM v. FSU game!

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I hope y'all enjoyed yours!

xx, Jen

Sunday, November 6, 2011

{life} Phi Mu Speakeasy: No password, no entry.

Phi Mu semi-formal, great friends, and homemade fondue makes for a wonderful night!

Fun fact: All of our accessories were Amanda's grandmother's from when she was our age.

I hope that y'all had a wonderful weekend!