
Thursday, July 28, 2011

{life} happy birthday momma

I'm headed home today to celebrate my mom's birthday in Tampa! 

Mom & I on Mother's Day this year!
Sooo, my mom is kind of the best mom ever.

One of my best girlfriends from high school recently admitted "when I get older I literally want to be just like your mom. And have a husband like your dad. Your parents are so adorable.
Yup, fan club right there.

My friend couldn't have said it any better. I always say that I want to be just like my parents when I get older. They rarely fight - except over who is going to do the dishes. Except it isn't in the "I don't want to do the dishes, you do it" kind of way. It is in the "Honey, you go sit down, I'll get the dishes." Precious, right?

My parents when they were still dating!
My parents a few weeks ago in Seattle!

My mom is literally the most selfless person ever. You need something? She is on it right away. She also seems to know ALL. (A talent of all moms I suppose.) I never wanted to listen to her in high school. Now I can't go a day without calling her and asking for her opinion or her help on something.

Freshman year Parent's Weekend
Dad, Mom, big brother, & me my freshman year.
Sophomore year Parent's Weekend
I can't even explain how much I have learned from my mom. How to host the greatest dinner parties. How to find the best bargains. How to be responsible, organized, and driven. How to plan fabulous vacations. How to be a classy, well-spoken woman.

My friends always get jealous of the great deals on pretty clothes my mom finds for me.
This Lilly shift? She got it for a super reduced price at TJMAXX a few years ago. 

There really aren't enough words to describe how thankful I am for everything she has done for me throughout the years. I can only hope to be half the woman she is when I am her age. 

Happy birthday Momma. I love you.


  1. such a sweet post! was your mom a phi mu too?

  2. Nope!! Neither of my parents were Greek, but my brother and I are!

  3. So sweet!! I love y'alls Lilly dresses!

  4. Happy Birthday to your mama!! So glad you're getting to celebrate it with her, so special! Mama's are the greatest people in the world!


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