
Friday, January 23, 2015

{recipe} oven roasted fajita quinoa bowls

Sometimes you just really need some fajitas. Am I right, or am I right? You especially feel the need for fajitas in your body right this second when it is chilly and pouring and you're *stuck in the house because you  definitely don't feel like getting wet and cold even though you really need to run some errands*. Just me? 

I got the idea to make oven roasted fajitas on Pinterest (duh), and the cravings began. I decided to make a fajita bowl because I didn't have any corn tortillas, and there was that whole not wanting to get wet thing going on, so you know I was not about to run out to Publix or Trader Joes for that. I thought to myself, "I love burrito bowls! Why not make a fajita bowl?" And the quinoa fajita bowl with roasted corn and a jalapeno lime cilantro Greek yogurt crema was born. Ohhh I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it!

Click through for the recipe!

Monday, January 12, 2015

five months gone

How exactly do you start writing blog posts again after completely disappearing for over five months? I had such high hopes for my blog for the fall semester. After all, I still had (have?) a ton of travel post catching up to do - and I was moving to a new (old) city, with new things to explore and do. But then the reality of grad school hit me square in the face. Between all of the hours I spent in kindergarten classrooms (LOVE), assignments that needed to be completed, and the pages of research papers I had to read (not so much on the loving department), I had zero time to sit down and tend to my blog. I couldn't even really sit down to read other blogs! It didn't bother me much for a while, because I was still getting used to the idea of grad school. But then I realized that something was literally missing from my life. Totally dramatic, but if you are reading this post I know you understand me! So here is to 2015. A year to balance work with play. A year to get fit and stay healthy. A year to explore and conquer. Let's hope I can stay #StrongInTheSpring. Until next time, friends.